ASC 005 - Navigation (ATA 34) - Runway Awareness Advisory System (RAAS)
ASC 007 - Navigation (ATA 34) - Predictive Windshear (PS)
ASC 026 - Placards and Markings (ATA 11) - Airport Access - 74,900 Pound Weight Limitation
ASC 027 - Placards and Markings (ATA 11) - Airport Access - 90,000 Pound Weight Limitation
ASC 028 - Placards and Markings (ATA 11) - Airport Access - 95,000 Pound Weight Limitation
ASC 029 - Placards and Markings (ATA 11) - Airport Access - 100,000 Pound Maximum Ramp Gross Weight 99,600 Pound Maximum Take-Off Gross Weight
ASC 031 - Cabin Systems - Gulfstream Cabin Management System (GCMS) Firmware Update
ASC 096 - Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25) - 8.8kHz Underwater Acoustic Beacon installation a Kit for the aft equipment bay
ASC 104 - Stabilizers (ATA 55) Elevator - Drainage Modification
ASC 125 - Navigation (ATA 34) - Heads Up Display (HUD) II Software Update
ASC 137 - Placards and Markings (ATA 11) - Category B Maximum Landing Weight Reduction 65,000 Pound
ASC 140 - Information Systems (ATA 46) - Aircraft Health and Trend Monitoring System (AHTMS) Software Update
ASC 142 - Fuselage Structure (ATA 53) Auxiliary Power Unit Enclosure - Exhaust Duct Fastener Pitch Modification
ASC 146 - Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25) EBHA PDB Terminal Bracket Cover - Installation
ASC 299 - Information Systems (ATA 46) - Aircraft Health and Trend Monitoring System (AHTMS) Software Update
ASC 301 - Electrical Power (ATA 24), Inspection - Cockpit Electrical Wire Harness Terminations
ASC 303 - Navigation (ATA 34), Modification - Weather Radar System Processor v4 Software Release (Honeywell SB 930-1003-34-0008)
ASC 304 - Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25) EBHA PDB Terminal Bracket Cover - Installation
Block 3 - Baseline Features
ASC 100 - Indicating /Recording (ATA 31) - Plane View II Avionics Enhancement
ASC 903 - Indicating /Recording (ATA 31) - Plane View II MOS Update (M) Optional Block з ASCs
Block 3 - Optional Features
ASC 120 - Navigation (ATA 34) - Predictive Weather Activation
ASC 121 - Navigation (ATA 34) - Situational Awareness Package Installation
ASC 127 - Navigation (ATA 34) - Predictive Landing Performance System (PLPS)
ASC 128 - Auto Flight (ATA 22) - Auto-Pilot Coupled TCAS Activation