This aircraft was registered under EC-LFB in 2010. In the year of 2015 it was registered in France under F-HKRE. Todays' owner bought this aircraft in 2019 and registered it as D-GDGS. He flew this aircraft about 280 hours.
This aircraft was registered under EC-LFB in 2010. In the year of 2015 it was registered in France under F-HKRE. Todays' owner bought this aircraft in 2019 and registered it as D-GDGS. He flew this aircraft about 280 hours.
This aircraft was regsitered under EC-LFB in 2010. In the year of 2015 it was regietsred in France under F-HKRE. Todays' owner bought this aircraft in 2019 and registered it as D-GDGS. He flew this aircraft about 280 hours.
Rotax 912-S3, rated at 100 hp
TBO 1500 hr or 12 years
l/h 1065 SN installed 01/2010
r/h 1065 SN installed 01/2010
MTV-21-A-CF/CF178-05, 2-blade
TBO 2000 hr or 6 years
l/h 531 SPOH compl. in July 2016
r/h 531 SPOH compl. in July 2016
Last 100-hr inspection completed in July 2024. In June 2023 following work was done: 400-hr inspection engines, 1000-hr inspection engine gears (one renewed), annual inspection... ARC is valid until 25.07.2025