New BizJet Shipments Disappoint in 2022. Here's Why...

Given the recent boom in the Business Aviation market, why were there only two more new business jets delivered in 2022 than in 2021? Brian Foley explores the reasons the numbers were so flat...

Brian Foley  |  03rd April 2023
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    Brian Foley
    Brian Foley

    Brian Foley formed Brian Foley Associates (BRiFO) in 2006 to assist aerospace firms and investors with...

    Did the Bombardier Global 7500 boost new bizjet shipments

    The popularity of Business Aviation went off the charts during, and among the years following COVID as first-time private aviation users flooded the industry to avoid airport crowds and reduced airline schedules.

    Every corner of the BizAv segment soared, including charter and fractional ownership. FBOs couldn’t pump gas quickly enough, while MRO shops had nowhere to park their backlog of customers. Pre-owned aircraft sales ‘knocked it out of the park’ with all-time high transactions, while service providers in the lending, legal and consulting spheres enjoyed banner years.

    With the newfound interest in private aviation and a lack of pre-owned aircraft to choose from, the focus soon shifted to the new business jet manufacturers, whose book-to-bill ratios hit highs of 2:1 or more. These settled slightly to still healthy levels above 1:1. As a result, the backlogs of these OEMs have risen commensurately, fueling years of future production.

    With this popularity, delivery times have increased, typically to 2025 and well beyond in some cases – a demonstration that demand has far exceeded supply.

    Surprising Business Jet Shipment Results in 2022

    With this background, it may have surprised some when the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) released its 2022 General Aviation Aircraft Shipment and Billing Report that only two more new business jets were delivered in 2022 than in 2021. That’s a paltry 0.3% increase in a segment that’s been going ‘gangbusters’.

    In comparison, Piston airplane deliveries, presumably juiced by the lucrative training sector because of current pilot shortages, increased 8.2%, while the venerable Turboprop sector saw an impressive double-digit increase (10.4%).

    Why then the feeble two-unit increase in the ever-popular business jet market? It’s fair to call this an ‘ill-timed perfect storm’ that struck throughout the industry.

    • Gulfstream: Early last year General Dynamics’ Gulfstream announced that 2022 shipments would be about on par with 2021. This prediction stemmed largely from moving some wing production in-house which precluded any ramp- up for the near-term.
    • Bombardier: Also indicating early in the year that 2022 production would be similar to 2021 was Bombardier. This was partly due to shutting down the Learjet line, which effectively reduced deliveries, but was coupled with the Canadian OEM being conservative and not wishing to rush production increases, but to better manage its debt load instead.
    • Dassault: With the long delay and eventual cancellation of the new Falcon 5X, Dassault set itself up for fewer deliveries which kept 2022 flat when compared with 2021. While the Falcon 6X and 10X have subsequently been launched, it will be this year and 2025, respectively, before this lost market share is regained as delivery numbers slowly increase.

    Other Business Jet OEMs Struggled, Too...

    While more of a small, niche player, HondaJet shocked the industry by delivering 54% fewer jets in 2022 than in 2021, falling from 37 to just 17 units. The company attributes the drop to supply chain issues and ramping up of its Elite II model enhancement, though a public tiff with its largest customer may also have contributed to the shortfall.

    Another smaller player, Pilatus Aircraft, saw its PC-24 jet deliveries fall by five units due to headwinds from the Ukraine war and lingering supply chain interruptions, according to the company.

    Embraer and Textron (Cessna) each did their part to exceed their 2021 results, delivering 10% and 7% more business jets in 2022, which just wasn’t enough to offset the flat or declining shipments from the other manufacturers.

    Thus, 2022 racked up a very unimpressive 0.3% gain in jet shipments despite a roaring market.

    Will 2023 be any Better?

    What are the prospects for a better year of new business jet shipments this year? Discover what size increase Brian Foley is predicting in the AvBuyer April digital edition, and read the rest of this month’s Business Aviation Market Overview by clicking on the button below…

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    Brian Foley

    Brian Foley

    Editor, Market Intelligence

    Brian Foley formed Brian Foley Associates (BRiFO) in 2006 to assist aerospace firms and investors with strategic research. In addition to his work as Market Intelligence Editor, AvBuyer, he is a regular contributor for and his views are published in the media worldwide.

    Currently, Brian serves the Transportation Research Board as a member of the Business Aviation, helicopter, commercial airline and UAV system subcommittees, and he previously served on the Wall Street financial firm Board.

    Before starting his consultancy business, Brian was marketing director at Dassault Falcon Jet for 20 years, and started his career at Boeing. He is an instrument-rated private pilot.



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