Download Gogo's Free Flight Department Guide to Inflight Wi-Fi

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AvBuyer  |  03rd June 2019
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    Three new truths of connectivity in the air

    Enjoy this excerpt from 'A Corporate Flight Department’s Guide to Inflight Wi-Fi', and then click to download a copy for yourself.

    Over the last decade, internet service for aircraft has gone from a nice-to-have to a need-to-have. This applies across sectors, from commercial flights and charters to corporate jets. We’ve all seen how inflight connectivity makes travel easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable—and now we want more.

    What does this shift mean for corporate flight departments? In today’s business world, every second counts. Deals can make or break at lightning speed, which is why inflight connectivity is so important for executives who can’t let flight time interrupt them.
    The days of being unavailable—and unproductive—for hours at a time while traveling are long gone.
    In this guide, we’ll walk you through three new truths to consider in evaluating inflight connectivity for your corporate jet. You’ll also learn about how flight departments across North America are benefiting from inflight Wi-Fi to help their corporate passengers stay on top of it all, to elevate the passenger experience, and to improve day-to-day flight operations.

    Fortune 1000 Executives Stay Productive When They Fly

    We talked to Bradley Hennis, Aviation Maintenance Manager at a Fortune 1000 company that operates in the beverage industry, to understand how inflight Wi-Fi has enhanced corporate flight departments.

    Question: How has inflight connectivity upped the stakes for flight departments?

    Answer: When I first came on as the aviation maintenance manager for the corporate flight department, I was tasked to provide a high-speed internet solution for a new corporate aircraft.

    I needed to deliver two things: an office-like experience to support our executives when they travel, and a higher-speed domestic internet solution that could be integrated with the existing satellite system for worldwide connectivity.

    But, to be sure I had a realistic understanding of what the executives wanted in their “office in the sky,” I asked for some examples.
    They wanted to be accessible and connected by email, text, or phone; upload and display PowerPoint presentations or other files on bulkhead monitors; and have seamless access to the internet no matter where they traveled.
    I had a lot of experience with Gogo inflight connectivity systems, so when it came to choosing a solution, I knew where to start.

    Question: What are your favorite capabilities of onboard internet?

    Answer: The Gogo inflight connectivity system offers the experience that the executives needed and it integrates with our SwiftBroadband system for global support. Gogo Text & Talk also comes in handy when planning for conference calls during flight.

    Through the app, I can confirm the status of our network connection to make sure we are ready to go. And when it’s time for the conference call, I can use the mobile device like a speaker phone and set it on a table. It works great.

    Question: Does inflight Wi-Fi change the game for traveling executives?

    Answer: Gogo’s inflight Wi-Fi has been well received by all our teams. Because we’ve extended the office to the aircraft, we help our executives stay productive when they fly. They land better prepared than they would have been if they’d flown without connectivity.

    Three new truths for adding connectivity to your corporate jet

    1. The cost of flying unconnected is too high

    Thousands of business jets are connected because the opportunity cost of flying unconnected far outweighs the investment cost.

    For example, consider the average compensation for a Fortune 500 CEO is $10.5m per year. That means that an hour of their time is worth about $5,000. And, that’s just the CEO. Think about the time of the other passengers on board, and you start to realize the business impact of flying unconnected.

    Also, consider the value of keeping corporate teams in touch with the senior leadership even when they’re on a cross-country flight.
    Inflight Wi-Fi on your aircraft ensures business travel doesn’t stop business in its tracks.

    “When you’re evaluating Wi-Fi, it may seem hard to justify the cost. But when you actually have it on board, it’s a game-changer. Don’t underestimate the power of Wi-Fi for improving the flight experience, passenger experience, and crew experience” - James Elian, president & chief operating officer, AirSprint.


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