The price of a jet depends on the production year. Gulfstream G200 were produced from 2007 to 2011. You can see current prices for the last 5 production years in the AircraftBluebook tab below.
What Impacts a
Gulfstream G200’s Price?
The value of a Gulfstream G200 is dependent on several airframe
specific things, meaning that the price needs to be established on
an airplane-by-airplane basis – even where two jets were
manufactured in the same year and appear similar.
Depending on the diligence of the existing and previous owners,
different standards of maintenance and upkeep are applied to
aircraft, and the number of hours they fly for their owners will
vary. Each jet will therefore have differing maintenance
conditions, and varying total time on the engines and airframe.
This will especially be the case for older pre-owned aircraft, such
as the Gulfstream G200, which may have had more than one previous
What Impacts a Gulfstream G200’s Price?
The value of a Gulfstream G200 is dependent on several airframe specific things, meaning that the price needs to be established on an airplane-by-airplane basis – even where two jets were manufactured in the same year and appear similar.
Depending on the diligence of the existing and previous owners, different standards of maintenance and upkeep are applied to aircraft, and the number of hours they fly for their owners will vary. Each jet will therefore have differing maintenance conditions, and varying total time on the engines and airframe. This will especially be the case for older pre-owned aircraft, such as the Gulfstream G200, which may have had more than one previous owner.
As a result, buyers should establish and verify an aircraft’s pedigree. This requires digging deeper than the visual appeal of the jet’s interior and exterior, and checking for less obvious signs of corrosion that may occur in difficult-to-see areas of the airframe and engines.
Check whether the parts and components are in good condition, and how much operating life remains on the various life-limited components.
Will anything need replacing before the next scheduled inspection? To answer this, buyers must establish when the next major inspection or overhaul is due.
Relating to major inspections and overhauls, the engines and airframe may be enrolled on a maintenance program which accrues funds towards upcoming maintenance events. Different programs offer different coverage levels, so buyers need to establish what will and will not be covered at the next overhaul or inspection and whether the balance of the maintenance program coverage will transfer with the sale of the jet.
In the case of a Gulfstream G200 not offering maintenance program coverage, buyers may consider reflecting the future maintenance costs with a lower offer.
The above discussion should highlight the fact that the price of a Gulfstream G200 is subject to negotiation between a buyer and seller, based on many airplane-specific items.
Why Does the Gulfstream G200’s Fleet for Sale Number Matter?
The number of Gulfstream G200s for sale on the pre-owned market can shed light on the current market conditions.
For example, sellers tend to enjoy more leverage over the sale price when less than 10% of the in-operation fleet of G200s is available for sale, since under 10% of the fleet for sale traditionally defines a ‘Seller’s Market’.
The opposite is true when more than 10% is available for sale, and buyers have a wider pool of aircraft to select from on the pre-owned market.
What Else Should a Gulfstream G200 Buyer Consider?
Buyers should understand that the cost of ownership for a Gulfstream G200 continues throughout the period of ownership, and these costs should be budgeted for. Fixed and variable hourly operating costs include items such as fuel, hangarage, pilot salary, insurance, tax, maintenance, and more.
Moreover, the value of a Gulfstream G200 will inevitably depreciate during the time of ownership, and buyers should account for the fact that their jet will eventually sell for less than they bought it for. There are a variety of experts in the industry who can provide projections of price depreciation for specific jet models.
How Does the Gulfstream G200 Compare With Other Aircraft?
Check out how the Gulfstream G200 compares with its competition in our Jet Comparison articles by industry expert, Mike Chase, here:
What Impacts a
Gulfstream G200’s Price?
The value of a Gulfstream G200 is dependent on several airframe
specific things, meaning that the price needs to be established on
an airplane-by-airplane basis – even where two jets were
manufactured in the same year and appear similar.
Depending on the diligence of the existing and previous owners,
different standards of maintenance and upkeep are applied to
aircraft, and the number of hours they fly for their owners will
vary. Each jet will therefore have differing maintenance
conditions, and varying total time on the engines and airframe.
This will especially be the case for older pre-owned aircraft, such
as the Gulfstream G200, which may have had more than one previous