The price of a Gulfstream IVSP is between US$5.60 and US$6.50 million for 1998 – 2002 models, the last 5 years of production, according to AircraftBluebook.
The price of a jet depends on the production year. Gulfstream IVSP were produced from 1998 to 2002. You can see current prices for the last 5 production years in the AircraftBluebook tab below.
We also display the latest JETNET data which shows the range of prices for Gulfstream IVSP currently listed with an asking price. The data also shows market trends including whether the average ask price for this aircraft has increased or decreased in the last six months.
The data from Asset Insight covers Current Value Range, Asset Quality Rating and ETP ratio. Explanations of the key terms can be found next to them in the tab by clicking the ? mark.
Please see the latest price data from the world's leading aviation data providers:JETNET, AircraftBluebook and Asset Insight in the tabs below.
What Impacts a
Gulfstream GIV-SP’s Price?
The cost of a Gulfstream GIV-SP can be impacted by several
things, and the value of one jet can differ significantly from
another – even when both were manufactured in the same year.
When an aircraft, such as the Gulfstream GIV-SP, has amassed
several years of operation, perhaps under several owners, it is
important to establish the maintenance condition and scrutinize the
logbooks for evidence of pedigree. The logbooks will also provide
information on possible damage history – which can impact price –
and the total time on the airframe and engines.
When examining maintenance condition, buyers should delve deeper
than the obvious signs of surface wear and tear, checking for
corrosion in the harder-to-access areas of the airframe and
engines. Make sure the parts and components are in good condition,
and will not need to be replaced too soon.
What Impacts a Gulfstream GIV-SP’s Price?
The cost of a Gulfstream GIV-SP can be impacted by several things, and the value of one jet can differ significantly from another – even when both were manufactured in the same year.
When an aircraft, such as the Gulfstream GIV-SP, has amassed several years of operation, perhaps under several owners, it is important to establish the maintenance condition and scrutinize the logbooks for evidence of pedigree. The logbooks will also provide information on possible damage history – which can impact price – and the total time on the airframe and engines.
When examining maintenance condition, buyers should delve deeper than the obvious signs of surface wear and tear, checking for corrosion in the harder-to-access areas of the airframe and engines. Make sure the parts and components are in good condition, and will not need to be replaced too soon.
Buyers also need to establish when the next major inspection or overhaul is due. Are the engines and airframe enrolled on an hourly maintenance program? What is covered by the program(s), and is the accrued balance transferrable to the new owner of the aircraft? If not, there may be a need to factor into the offer any anticipated extra costs of near-term maintenance.
Ultimately, the sale price of a pre-owned Gulfstream GIV-SP must be negotiated between the buyer and seller based on the above factors, and more. Other factors that could impact price include modifications and upgrades made to the jet since new.
Why Does the Gulfstream GIV-SP’s Fleet for Sale Number Matter?
Buyers should pay attention to the number of Gulfstream GIV-SPs for sale on the market, since this tells a story about the pre-owned marketplace.
When less than 10% of the Gulfstream GIV-SP fleet is for sale, the market – traditionally known as a ‘Sellers’ Market’ – favors sellers who will have a better command of the sale price. In contrast, a ‘Buyers’ Market’ is traditionally established when more than 10% of the fleet is for sale, and a greater pool of aircraft for buyers gives them greater control to drive the price.
What Else Should a Gulfstream GIV-SP Buyer Consider?
The cost to own a Gulfstream GIV-SP continues after the purchase, and buyers should prepare a budget for these costs. The budget should include both the variable hourly operating costs, the fixed hourly operating costs associated with owning a jet, and also future asset depreciation, since the value of a jet will continue to deteriorate with age.
Among the costs of ownership are fuel, hangarage, pilot salary, insurance, tax, maintenance, and more.
How Does the Gulfstream GIV-SP Compare With Other Aircraft?
Check out how the Gulfstream GIV-SP compares with its competition in our Jet Comparison articles by industry expert, Mike Chase, here:
What Impacts a
Gulfstream GIV-SP’s Price?
The cost of a Gulfstream GIV-SP can be impacted by several
things, and the value of one jet can differ significantly from
another – even when both were manufactured in the same year.
When an aircraft, such as the Gulfstream GIV-SP, has amassed
several years of operation, perhaps under several owners, it is
important to establish the maintenance condition and scrutinize the
logbooks for evidence of pedigree. The logbooks will also provide
information on possible damage history – which can impact price –
and the total time on the airframe and engines.
When examining maintenance condition, buyers should delve deeper
than the obvious signs of surface wear and tear, checking for
corrosion in the harder-to-access areas of the airframe and
engines. Make sure the parts and components are in good condition,
and will not need to be replaced too soon.
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