Why Contract a Maritime Surveillance Service?

What are the main threats to the Exclusive Economic Zones of maritime nations, and why are governments contracting maritime surveillance services out in order to monitor them better? GA Buyer explores…

AvBuyer  |  04th June 2019
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    The AvBuyer editorial team includes Matt Harris and Rebecca Applegarth who contribute to a number of...

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    Aerial Surveillance Camera on Piston Airplane

    What are the main threats to the Exclusive Economic Zones of maritime nations, and why are governments contracting maritime surveillance services out in order to monitor them better? GA Buyer explores…
    The aircraft at Multi-Mission Expo 2019 may be small, but when combined with experienced operators and modern, military-grade technology they provide innovative solutions to some of the most serious issues affecting contemporary geopolitics.
    One of the most important maritime security challenges of the next 20 years is likely to centre around Exclusive Economic Zone management.
    Trends of illegal fishing, increasing offshore resource exploitation, human migration, trans-national criminal activities, piracy and/or armed robbery at sea, rising sea levels and an increase in extreme weather events, are just some of the realities that nations are faced with today.
    The only logical conclusions are for maritime nations to possess the ability to manage their own Exclusive Economic Zones, or form coalitions to manage these with their neighbours.
    Governance regimes are wise to create an information environment, supported by a national legal framework that supplements the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to deter criminals, and allow for the successful prosecution of illegal activities.
    For much of the 20th century, aviation capabilities focussed largely on platform performance characteristics and ownership. 
    Yet current requirements are often more cost-effectively satisfied if provided by a contracted service, such as that offered by DEA Aviation Ltd.
    As an experienced provider of maritime surveillance services to the UK Government and European agencies, over the last three years DEA Aviation has  successfully delivered over 5,000 flying hours, offering bespoke solutions for each of its customers.

    DEA Aviation footage from one of its aircraft providing over-watch during a rescue at sea
    The use of agile specialised airborne operators allows government agencies to capitalise early on technological advances, by remaining sensor agnostic and offering early adoption of new and emerging technology.
    When used correctly, networking protocols derived from common and compatible standards can be used to generate a real-time picture across a shared environment, allowing for gathered situational awareness to be distributed collaboratively, optimising the use of scarce assets.
    And if desired, this same picture can be shared among allies in order to develop regional capacity.
    Importantly, this intelligence product uses high definition, accurately geo-referenced and time-stamped sensor information to provide the required standard of forensic evidence to prosecute offenders - acting not only as a deterrent, but also generating revenue to cover the cost of aerial surveillance in the first instance.
    More information from www.dea.aero

    Read More About: Aerial Surveillance | Special Missions Piston Aircraft

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