CMF, Uplink Weather & FalconBroadcast Capabilities.
Rockwell Collins FCMS:
Airshow 4000, 1ea 8.4” Touch Screen Control monitor, 2ea. (21.3” & 17”) LCD monitors, 1ea dual DVD player, 4ea. 10.6” Plug’in monitors and 8ea. Plug’in receptacles, 1 ea Audio/NTSC Video Interfaces.
Central Water System, 1ea. Hot Cup, Iacobucci Expresso coffee maker, Microwave, High temp Oven.
Miltope Flight Deck Printer, Quick Access Recorder, Lighting Sensor LSS-860, Data Transfer Unit (FAST), Goodrich Ice Detectors, 1ea. 115 VAC 60 Hz 2000 VA Inverter w/9 outlets, Direct and Indirect LED Lighting, 2ea. 12-man Life Rafts.
Full Provisions for HUD.
SB Applied:
Brake / Wheel Well Heat.